Written By ando subakti on Thursday, September 22, 2011 | 7:57 PM
I was bornwith aname that is short, but itmeansa lot. for meanameisamirrorforsomeone. andosubaktmyname, Iwas bornin the city ofmypride, Wonosobo. Ido notlove learning, academiclearning, Ithinkthe lessonin schoolwasuselessbecause Ihave foundthe color ofmylife. I like tohang out, butIhatetotalk.I prefer tospeak in front ofpeople, rather than having tolisten tosomeone speak. Ilove music, Ilike to experiment, Ilike to playon the internet, my intentionis onlyone, tobe making money andcouldhelpthe family. I spentmuch timein front ofkumputertosee the development ofmy blog. Mygoalnowis to makemy blogknown to the publicat large.Ihave many friendsat school, I was in junior highschool. Ido not liketo socialize, Iwould rathersit backto seemy blog. Ihatestudying,becauseboring. so much fromme, hopefullyyoucanbe aspirittolike me:)
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